Seeking the light through Art


In the Inclusive High School at Bukkaraya Samudram (Andhra Pradesh), a tall sky-blue wall stands adjacent to the hall, which has been a subject of discussion amongst the locals and students lately. The artist, Mar Ample, has done a remarkable job painting the previously blank wall, making onlookers curious about whether the painting will turn out as they had imagined.

Mar is among the seven artists from the Balearic Islands (Spain) who visited the headquarters of Rural Development Trust (RDT) in Anantapur in November to continue the initiative launched four years ago under the Mata Ombres (Killing Shadows) project. Launched in 2018, the initiative has been implemented in different phases in Spain and Anantapur to make art accessible to everyone. This year, the project emphasises the need to protect the environment. All the artworks were done using recycled materials and with the involvement of the local communities, not only as spectators but as protagonists of these artistic creations.

What started through sketches, models, and abstract designs has transformed into meaningful artwork. These artworks, created around the most significant buildings in RDT,  like the Bathalaplli Hospital, Schools, and Sports Center, express a message relevant to the area in which they are painted.

Art can change things and be the beginning of a fantastic experience“, says Ximo Canet, an artist who has worked with natural colours for over 30 years. One can smell the painting while entering the room as he has used natural colours sourced from the local market, like haldi, garam masala, and egg shells, and goes on to complete his painting doused in yellow.

“One of the five essential senses is the smell. It is nice to know about a place and be transported back into the memory of when you first saw it”, Canet explains, hoping the locals would also feel the same while ‘smelling’ his painting.

Taking the literal meaning of the place she has arrived at, Pilar Cerda, a lively painter by nature, thinks that it is vital that people understand each action that we do has a consequence that ripples throughout the universe. ‘Ananta’pur, for her, represents the infinity (Anantha) of the universe and all that surrounds it. The painting etched in blue and red, through various other connotations, speaks about the work of the universe in creating and destroying.

This year’s initiative ended with a community wall painting activity with Differently abled children at RDT Hospital Bathalappalli. Spreading a smile across their faces while painting the wall in front of them, this event was a true reflection of how the initiative has succeeded in its ultimate goal of making art accessible to everyone around them. 

Through Mata Ombres (Killing Shadows), art transcends the gaps between humanity’s barriers, helping everyone around them access expression and creativity. These artists, inspired by India’s rich heritage, elevate the essence of art and are truly giving back to the community of Anantapur.

Text : Mathusree Menon

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