ASA starts Summer Camps for children.


RDT’s Sport for Development Sector, Anantapur Sports Academy (ASA) started the summer training camp today. Boys and girls under the age of 8 to 15 years are offered free training in archery, cricket, football, judo, hockey, kabaddi, tennis and softball.

The summer camps are not only held in Anantapur Sports Village in Anantapur but also in the RDT affiliated sports clubs. Camps are being conducted through 3 hockey clubs, 3 softball clubs, cricket through 12 centers and football through 27 clubs across the district. More than 650 children from across the Anantapuramu, Sri Satya Sai, Kurnool and Prakasam Districts are participating in the Summer Camps. 

Talking about the summer camps, RDT Sport For Development Director, Sai Krishna said, “Social interactions are a crucial building blocks for children’s personality & character, however, due to the closure of schools & extra-curricular activities during COVID-19 imposed lockdowns, children have been badly affected psychologically, mentally, physically & socially. Sport offers a unique platform to build such social interactions and encourage bonding among children, contributing to their holistic development. Hence, we are excited about the upcoming ASA Summer Camps which are taking place after a gap of 3 years, and equally happy to see children back in playgrounds and have fun” 

“After two years of COVID-19, we are conducting the summer camp in the state-of-the-art facility at ASV. Both children and coaches are equally excited to be part of various activities along with the sport. This kind of camps help children to interact with other children from different places and get to know each other. These are some of the memories that children cheer for their life,” said, Obilesu, ASA Grassroots Coordinator.

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